Thursday, January 05, 2006


It seems as though a temporary haiatis is required at this time. I busted my right index finger, important in both typing and crocheting, and nearly everything else I do in a day. School also just started back up so I've got new things taking up my time. I really want to make sure I keep up with my crocheting and this blog though. I have plans for making a shawl/poncho like thing with the yarn I brought home from Christmas. Today I am going to clean my room, which will include organizing my yarns and fabrics and everything else. I'm also suffering from a bit of a cold, oddly it is also a consequence of my busted finger. (Long story--Finger busts, lots of running and screaming, run out of my room with nothing, out in the icy cold, lonely streets with just a t-shirt and jeans). That pretty well sums it up. I just hope after all is done and said, I don't lose my finger nail... that's what is still sore and throbbing!

Well, that about sums things up for awhile!


Anonymous said...

hahaha, ah.. and another blog. remember way back when in the days of diary-x? anyways, i hope that your finger is doin' alright and nothing too serious happened.


The Mystic Dragon said...

aww, you linked to me. thanks!

Anonymous said...

Someone should update this site.