Sunday, March 29, 2009

More Seedlings

(in a whisper):
The first baby Lupine emerges from thr ground, still curled in its seedling-fetus position. Shh... Don't wake the baby. The other Lupines must require a longer incubation.

Life is springing in the tray of Cosmos and Holly Hock.

Look how delicate these little baby Cosmos are. One day they will be large bushes (and I will take more photos of them).

Of 5 flats of Holly Hock, I only have 3 little sprouts. I expected a quicker climb from these tall stalky plants (more like the morning glories).

Now--of all the seeds, can you believe NO Pansies will show themselves? Those little... pansies.
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Saturday, March 28, 2009

Good Morning Glories!

Look what I found this morning when I watered my seedlings!

It's been 3 days since I looked at my little dears and they sure have taken off!

Some of the others are showing signs of life, but are still too small for me to get overly excited about. These were quite the surprise! They're getting so big so quickly! I hope the others will be following suit in good time!

The people who know say that to start with, you should put 2-3 seeds in each little dish. Then if two plants begin to grow, it's best to kill one off so the other has a better chance to grow. I can't help but think in this situation, "Every life is precious" (kinda like one of the songs from The Life of Brian). I will hold off for now on killing any of my babies. :)

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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Spring Gardening!

After realizing I bought more than 4,000 seeds, I decided to pick up a couple more 72 flat trays. I did all the necessary prep work of filling the trays about two weeks ago. Finally this week I planted the seeds!

While I was working at the kitchen table, Daisy was on the porch anxious to get inside. Meanwhile the cat is pleading to go outside. Here they are, my jealous pets:

Here's the finished product::)

Monday, March 16, 2009

Spring Special!

I bought seeds online! I have lots of flower seeds so I will share! Let me know if you want some! I can't wait to get them and start growing!

I got:


Cosmos Sensation

Indian Spring Hollyhock

And Giant Pansies

TADA! Meijer had little greenhouse setups for < $4, so I got one of those. It has 72 little places for flowers. I hope this is successful. I figure for < $20 if it works, it will be WAY cheaper than buying the annuals at the store!

I just hope I have the Greenwood Green Thumb!